Thursday, December 18, 2008


Some laugh
Others cry
Some buy gifts
Others receive gifts
Some wear red
Others wear green

Some bake cookies
Others eat soup
Some hang up lights
Others get their lights turned off

Some are rich
Others are poor
Some live in mansions
Others live on street corners
Some go to private schools
Others go to public schools

Some are naughty
Others are nice
Some are up
Others are down
No matter how different
We are all equal on Christmas

Monday, December 15, 2008

Floating on Empty

On top of the world


It continues to rise

It remains in its endless float

Then suddenly...

It starts to sink

Down and Down

Smaller and smaller it goes

And smaller and smaller it gets

Until it gracely floats to its destination

Into the youth of today

And as it gives its last breath

Its smiled at

For although it is lifeless

Its still a balloon.


Ever felt like ur stuck in a house with no doors or windows
Or in a sealed up box just...trapped
You keep asking yourself why you stay
You know no one's gonna build a door or window
You know no one's gonna open the box
You're just stuck
You feel like its pointless
Like there's nothing to hold on to
And yet you continue with the endless wait
And just when you lose all hope....
Just when you start think its pointless....

The walls are torn down and box is opened
You're free.